AJ’s Story
AJ is a refugee from Iraq who came to the United States at the end of 2023. AJ waited nearly 10 years to come to Indiana, and since he has […]
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Luis’s Story
Five years ago, Luis and his wife made the difficult decision to flee Cuba and seek safety in the United States. They were in the process of coming to the […]
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Claudia’s Story
Claudia is a refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). She moved to Indiana in 2022 with her two adult sons to seek a better life for her […]
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Sagheera’s Story
Sagheera is a refugee from Syria and came with her husband and 2 children to seek a brighter and safer future for her family. Sagheera and her family waited 9 […]
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Faezia’s Story
Faeiza was evacuated from Afghanistan in 2021 after the fall of Kabul. Education has always been important to Faeiza. Despite support from her family, Faeiza had to leave Afghanistan to […]
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Aisha’s Story
When Aisha immigrated to the United States from the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2020, she was a pregnant single mother with one child. Unfortunately, she didn’t experience America the […]
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Justin’s Story
Justin is a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, but he was born and raised in a refugee camp in Rwanda, where his family lived for almost 20 years. […]
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Hagir’s Story
Each refugee who arrives here has their own story of strength and resilience, much like Hagir. She grew up in Darfur, where since 2003 there has been growing political tension […]
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Anifa’s Story
Anifa is from the Democratic Republic of Congo. When she was 12 years old, she and her family fled to a refugee camp in Zambia. She lived there for about […]
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Nesar’s Story
Nesar and his family had to flee Afghanistan during the evacuation in August 2021.  As the Taliban advanced, they were searching for people who had worked with the United States […]
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Agappe’s Story
Agappe was born and raised in the town of Masisi, in southern end of the Nord-Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo until 2008, when fighting broke out in Nord-Kivu. His mother led her family out of the warzone on a bus to Kampala, Uganda. They stayed in a refugee camp on the edge of the city for a few months before continuing onward to Nairobi, Kenya. Agappe’s…
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Baydaa’s Story
Baydaa and her husband lived in Falujar, Iraq. Baydaa owned her own salon and her husband Haitham was an accountant. “I had a family, and I used to work. We […]
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Claudia’s Story
Meet Claudia Cilien Pierre. Claudia is 35 years old, and she is originally from Haiti. She lives in Lawrence Township with her husband John Ptensly, and two kids ages 3 […]
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Esmael’s Story
When Esmael Borhani arrived in the United States in February 2020 with his wife, Anisa, and their two young children, they were unprepared for the frigid temperatures and heavy snow […]
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Fikiri’s Story
Fikiri is a refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. You may recognize his story from the IndyStar. Since Christmas, Fikiri has been extremely busy. As a single father, […]
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Heba’s Story
Heba’s parents fled violence in Somalia before she was born. She was raised in Kuwait along with her two brothers and sister who were educated and worked in Kuwait before […]
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Helene’s Story
Helene was only two years old when her parents and five-year-old brother fled violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2002. She grew up in a town called […]
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Marcel’s Story
Marcel fled his home in Abidgan, Ivory Coast in 2011 due to a military conflict that led to a civil war. He spent eight years in Avi Pozo Refugee Camp […]
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Mohamed’s Story
Mohamed vividly remembers the moment he landed at the John F Kennedy Airport in New York City. It was a cold, crisp winter afternoon in December of 2010. He was nineteen years old. The beautiful landscapes of America that he had so long heard of and imagined were covered by white snow, and three jackets weren’t enough to prevent him from shivering. “Everything was foreign—I remember trying to speak a…
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Mohammed’s Story
Mohammed Alhamwi never thought he would have to flee his home. His family ran a prosperous business making purses in Damascus, Syria, and he was a typical 18-year-old. He had […]
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Tesfai’s Story
Tesfai was born to a family of farmers in a village called Bietgebriel in Eritrea in 1987. He came from an ordinary family with parents who wanted nothing more than […]
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Riem’s Story
Riem is from Latakia, a major port city in Syria, and one of the last cities largely under government control at the time she lived there. “Since 2011, I had two suitcases […]
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Sada’s Story
Nduwimana Sada Nahayo lived all her life in North Kivu, a province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one of the most violent areas during the Second Congo War and the Kivu Conflict. Sada doesn’t like to talk about or even remember the trauma she experienced and witnessed back in her country. “Innocent people die every day without knowing what’s going on.”
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